I've started to prepare myself for the upcoming season. This year i will start with a half marathon race just to see if i'm capable to run one and a half hour continuously in a good rhythm , and i haven't ran in a race for 15 years so it's a comeback :D.
The race will be on 10th of April just a week before my 1st XCO race. Let's hope this year will be better.
Elkezdtem a felkeszulest a kozeledo szezonra. Ebben az evben egy felmaratoni tav lefutasaval kezdem a verseny-szezont, hogy lassam, kepes vagyok futni masfel orat jo ritmusban.Mindemellet mar 15 eve annak hogy versenyfutottam, ezert ime ujra!
Aprilis 10-en lesz verseny 1 hettel az elso XCO versenyem elott. Remeljuk az idei ev jobban sikerul.
Am inceput pregatirile deja pentru sezonul ce o sa vina. Anul asta o sa incep cu un semimaraton, sa vad daca sut capabil sa alerg intr-un ritm bun o ora si jumate. Pe langa astea, n-am alergat de 15 ani intr-un concurs, iata revenirea.
Concursul o sa aiba loc pe 10 Aprilie numai cu o saptamana inainte de primul pe concurs de XCO.