Hello again, its 2011. Last year is history, last season is long forgotten. I'v started the preparation for the actual season although i have an ankle injury. From this year my posts will be shorter but i'll write them in 3 languages, to promote the velo-lifestyle more successfully and hey, lets face it, i'm in Romania, people here are talking many languages, some of them speak only romanian, some speak hungarian, some of them both, and some of them none:D. Its better for me too, probably i can express myself better this way. So, if you speak all 3 languages, probably you get a better overview of the meanings of my posts. As i'm not a professional translator so, maybe the 3 texts will have some tiny differences but the goal is the same.
Hello ujra, 2011-et irunk. Tavaly a multe, az elmult szezont mar elfeledtuk. Elkezdtem a felkeszulesem a jelenlegi szezonra annak ellenere hogy bokaserulesem meg nem jott helyre. Ettol az evtol rovidebbek lesznek bejegyzeseim, de viszont 3 nyelvem jelentetem meg oket, hogy jobban nepszerusitsem a bringas-eletmodot es lassuk be Romaniaban elunk es egyesek romanul masok magyarul van aki mindket nyelven de olyan is aki talan egyiket sem beszeli. Szamomra is konnyebb talan, hisz ezen modon konnyebben kifejezhetem magam. Abban az esetben ha mindharom nyelvet beszeled, lehetseges hogy sokkal konnyeben atlatod bejegyzeseim ertelmet. Nem vagyok hivatasos fordito tehat pici kulonbsegek felbukkanhatnak a szovegekben de a cel ugyanaz.
Salutare din nou , e anul 2011. Anul trecut apartine istoriei, sezonul trecut l-am uitat deja. Am inceput pregatirea ptr. sezonul curent, chiar daca nu mi-am revenit din accidentarea mea la glezna. Din anul acesta post-urile mele o sa fie mai scurte dar o sa le scriu in 3 limbi, pentru a face o promovare mai buna a stilului de viata Velo, si hai sa fim realisti, traim in Romania, oamenii din tara asta vorbesc romana, maghiara, chiar sunt si bilingvi, sau nu vorbes niciuna. Este mai bine si ptr. mine ca probabil pot sa ma exprim mai bine in felul asta. Daca vorbesti cele 3 limbi poate ca o sa intelegi esenta post-urilor. Nu sunt translator de profesie, deci s-ar putea sa apara diferente intre texte dar scopul ramane aceasi.
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