March 20, 2011

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Maros Bike XCO Cup

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March 14, 2011


Elkezdtem a 2011-es szezont. Tul vagyok az elso versenyen(Clujul Pedaleaza- elso etap). Egy csaladias hangulatban kituno versenyezni, foleg profik mellett. Jelen volt Grosu Eduard, Luci Logigan, Eli hogy csak a legismertebbeket emlitsem. Jomagam is a profik koze neveztem(kesobb derult ki:D). Meresz dolognak bizonyult de ezutan is igy teszek. Szuper verseny, szuper hideg, szuper kombinacio. Egy rovidebb pipaval vagtam neki a versenynek, de hamar kiderult hogy mellefogtam, kenyelmetlen volt. Igy sikerlt 10bol 8 kort befejeznem. Nem voltam faradt a vegere csak merges magamra es a butasagomra. Nagyon tetszet a rendezes, jo volt a hangulat, Gabor koszi a filmet es filmezest, Ioana koszi a szurkolast, Eli koszi a batoritast:D, sziszter koszi a szallast.

Am inceput sezonul 2011. Sunt deja peste primul concurs(Clujul pedaleaza, prima etapa). E superb sa concurez intr-o atmosfera familiala, mai ales langa profesionisti. Au fost prezenti: Eduard Grosu, Luci Logigan, Eli numai sa mentionez cei mai cunoscuti. Si eu m-am inscris alatur de ei(am aflat mai tarziu). Am fost cam neinspirat la faza asta, dar tot asa o sa fac si in continuare.Super concurs, super frig, super combinatie. Am concurat cu o pipa scurta, care s-a adeverit inconfortabila. Asa am reusit sa termin din 10 ture 8. N-am fost obosit deloc, numai nervos pe mine si pe prostia mea. Mi-a placut enorm de mult organizarea, atmosfera era minunata. Gabor, mersi de  filmare si filmulet , Ioana mersi pentru suport, Eli mersi pentru incurajare, surioaro mersi pentru cazare.

I've started the 2011 season. I'm over my first race(Clujul Pedaleaza-1st stage). It's nice to race in a family like atmosphere, and along with the pro's. Just to name the vip's: Eduard Grosu, Luci Logigan, Eli were there. I  registered in their category( found out later). It was a daring choice but will do so in the future. Super race, super cold, super combination. I've started with a shorter stem, and soon found it unconfortable to ride. I made 8 laps out of 10. Wasn't tired at the end, just a bit pissed of me and my stupidity. I've enjoyed the organization and the nice atmosphere.  Thanks Gabor for the footage, Ioana for the cheering, and Eli,thanks for the encouraging words, and for u sis for the place to sleep.

March 13, 2011


3 gikszer verseny elott. Elso: Lezarom a vonaton a bringam es otthon hagyom a kulcsot. Koszi levinek es Cristi-nek a gyors kozbelepes. Indulhattam a versenyen. Masodik: egy rossz manoverrel es egy eles cutterrel sikerult kimetszeni a huvelykujambol egy darabot, a sebesseg-valtast hamar megoldvan. Harmadik: elindulni egy meg ki nem probalt geometriaval a versenyen, rovidebb pipa=kenyelmetlenseg. Ennyi, ezutan verseny jott.

3 greseli inainte de concurs: Primul: mi-am inchis bitza pe tren si mi-am lasat cheia inchizatorului acasa. Multumesc lui Levi si Cristi pentru interventia rapida. Am putut sa iau startul. Al doilea: cu o manevra nereusita si un cutter mi-am taiat o bucatica din degetul mare, deci schimbarea vitezelor am rezolvat. Al treilea: am pornit cu o geometrie netestata, asta a fost incomoda tot concursul. Atat, dupa asta a urmat concursul.

3 mistakes before the race: First: i locked my bike on the train and forgot my keys home. Thanks Levi and Cristi for the the help. I could start. Second: with a nice maneuvre and a cutter a managed to cut a piece out from my thumb, the gearshifting solved. Third: i started with a nevertried geometry, a shorter stem became unconfortable all race long. Thats it, race was on.

March 7, 2011

Masodik alkalommal sikerult kijutnom a budapesti Bringaexpora, mindezt a Freestylesport jovoltabol. Szuper standok voltak, erezni lehetett hogy visszafogtak magukat a forgalmazok es gyartok is egyarant, es maga a bringa expo is halvanyabra sikeredett. Mindez ellenere szep standja volt a Meridanak,, Gepida, Bianchi, MALI,Specialized, BBB, Giant es meg masoknak. Egy par gepnel azert elidoztem: Hermida replicaja, Lukacs Balint Meridaja, Nemeth Gabor Specialized, es ha nem tevedek ott volt Burucki Szilard Magellanja is.
Osszesegeben jo volt, kevesebb volt a show tavajhoz kepest, a nagyok kozul sokan nem is jottek akik voltak a tavaly, Trek, Kona, Centurion, Univega, Simplon. Megerte elmenni mindennek ellenere is. Egy expo kihagyhatatlan esemeny  egy bringas szamara.

Am reusit si a 2-a oara sa ajung la Bringaexpo in Budapesta, cu ajutorul Freestylsport din Oradea. Standurile erau frumoase si simple, dar s-a putut simti ca producatorii si distribuitorii au fostt retinuti la creativitate si buget, si asta a pus amprenta pe expo-ul de biciclete. Pe langa toate astea am vazut standuri bine puse la punct de la Merida,, Gepida, Bianchi, MALI, Specialized, BBB, Giant si altele. Au fost cateva 'minunatii' pe langa care am pierdut mai mult timp, cum ar fi replica Hermida, Merida lui Lukacs Balint, Specialized-ul lui Nemeth Gabor si daca nu gresesc am vazut si o bicicleta asemanatoare a Magellanului lui Szilard Buruczki. Per total a fost un expo bun, a lipsit show-ul de anul trecut, multe dintre companiile mai mari n-au fost prezenti ca si anul trecut: Trek, Kona, Centurion, Univega, Simplon. Pe langa toate astea a meritat vizita, si un expo de bicilete este un eveniment de neratat pentru un biciclist.

I made it for the 2nd time to go to Bringaexpo at Budapest, thanks to Freestylesport. The stands were nice , but the companies and distributors worked with a short buget and creativity this year, and the whole expo whas a bit whiped. Due all this the stands from Merida, Cseke, Gepida, Bianchi, MALI, Specialized, BBB, Giant were pretty nice. There were a few machines that caught my attention as it was the Hermida-replica, the Merida from Balint Lukacs, the Specialized from Gabor Nemeth, and i think i saw the bike from Szilard Burucki to. Alltogether it was ok, the show from last year was nowhere at this edition, from the major companies like Trek, Kona, Centurion, Univega, Simplon were missing this year. Beside this it was worth to visit, and its an event that a rider should visit once in a while

March 2, 2011


Megerkezett marcius, itt van a naptari tavasz, lassan mar nekibatorkodom a termeszetnek. Mar nagyon varom, kell a valtozas. A teremben is jol telnek az edzesek de odakint mas amikor tekersz, mar a levego miatt is.
Mikozben lassan eltelnek a napok, kozelegnek a versenyek, ugy dontottem lemondok a tavaszi kolozsvar-felmaratonrol, es elmegyek nepszerusito versenyre most a hetvegen(Clujul Pedaleaza). Ugy erzem jo felkeszules lesz a Maros XCO elott, jobb mint a felmaraton. Kozben csatlakoztam a VSO-bringas csapathoz, iden veluk edzem es megyek versenyekre, remeljuk eredmenyesebb lesz ez az ev, onmagam ha sikerul tulszarnyalom akkor mar elertem celom. Roviden ennyi, marad a felmaraton szeptemberre Nagyvaradon(OradeCityRunningDay).

Am ajuns si in luna martie, a venit si primavara calendaristica, incet-incet ajung sa ies afara in natura. Abia astept schimbarea. Ma simt bine si in sala de antrenamente, dar afara e altfel cand pedalezi, aerul face diferenta. Incet trec si zilele, vin concursurile. Am luat decizia de a nu lua parte la semi-(Maratonul Cluj Napoca), si a ma duce la un concurs XC (Clujul Pedaleaza)care promoveaza ciclismul in CJ. Ma gandesc ca o sa fie o pregatire mai buna pentru Maros XCO din Aprilie. Cu timpul m-am aliniat celor de la VSO(Velosportoradea), anul asta o sa ma antrenez cu ei si tot cu ei o sa ma duc si la concursuri. Sper ca anul asta o sa fie mai ok, daca ma autodepasesc atunci mi-am indeplinit telul. In scurt cam atat, ramane semimaratonul pe Septembrie la OradeaCityRunnningDay.

We are in March, the celandar-spring is upon us, slowly I can go out in the nature. I've waited a lot for the change. Its nice to be in the gym but nothing compares with the nature and the fresh air. As the days pass slowly, the races are closing in, i decided not to compete on the half-Marathon Cluj Napoca, rather go to a promoting XC(Clujul pedaleaza) race this weekend in Cluj. I think this will be a better preparation for the Maros XCO in April. In the meantime i've joined VSO a local cycling team, this year i will train  and compete together with them. This year hope to have better results, this is my goal. Just enough to be short, i will run the half-marathon in September in Oradea at (OradeCityRunningDay).