3 gikszer verseny elott. Elso: Lezarom a vonaton a bringam es otthon hagyom a kulcsot. Koszi levinek es Cristi-nek a gyors kozbelepes. Indulhattam a versenyen. Masodik: egy rossz manoverrel es egy eles cutterrel sikerult kimetszeni a huvelykujambol egy darabot, a sebesseg-valtast hamar megoldvan. Harmadik: elindulni egy meg ki nem probalt geometriaval a versenyen, rovidebb pipa=kenyelmetlenseg. Ennyi, ezutan verseny jott.
3 greseli inainte de concurs: Primul: mi-am inchis bitza pe tren si mi-am lasat cheia inchizatorului acasa. Multumesc lui Levi si Cristi pentru interventia rapida. Am putut sa iau startul. Al doilea: cu o manevra nereusita si un cutter mi-am taiat o bucatica din degetul mare, deci schimbarea vitezelor am rezolvat. Al treilea: am pornit cu o geometrie netestata, asta a fost incomoda tot concursul. Atat, dupa asta a urmat concursul.
3 mistakes before the race: First: i locked my bike on the train and forgot my keys home. Thanks Levi and Cristi for the the help. I could start. Second: with a nice maneuvre and a cutter a managed to cut a piece out from my thumb, the gearshifting solved. Third: i started with a nevertried geometry, a shorter stem became unconfortable all race long. Thats it, race was on.