April 25, 2012

PBMO 2012

Inca un weekend cu concurs de MTB, de data asta la noi in Oradea. Concursul a fost organizat pentru prima oara de Probikers Bihor, si a fost intitulat Probikers Marathon Oradea. Concursul continea 2 trasee, unul de 35 si unul de 80 de km cu 400 respectiv 900 de metrii diferenta de nivel. Vremea a fost cam mofturoasa toata saptamana, ba ploua ba iesea soarele, nu stiam cum o sa fie pana la data concursului. Initial am vrut sa particip la un alt concurs, dar fiind anulat am optat pentru asta ca nu trebuia sa platesc pentru deplasare si era si la indemana. Cu antrenorul meu am decis sa ma inscriu pe traseul de 35km ca sa fac o incalzire pentru concursul urmator unde voi participa la traseul lung. In dimineata concursului a plouat putin dar nu a afectat prea mult starea traseului. Cand am ajuns la start am fost uimit cati au venit sa pedaleze, un fapt bucurator. Inseamna ca multi s-au apucat de pedalat in ultima vreme si la tot mai multi le place idea de a pedala pe un traseu special ales si "semnalat" de dragul concursului. M-am intalnit cu foarte multi clienti de la Freestyle, cu foarte multi care concureaza alaturi de mine la alte evenimente si nu in ultimul rand 'local boys', care se dau de o vreme buna.
Concursul fiind la prima editie, a strans foarte multi concurenti, nume des intalnite la concursuri din Ardeal,  cativa rideri mai puternici din Ungaria si niciun licentiat. Traseul scurt era usor daca te descurcai cu orientarea si ai gasit marcajele neinspirate, traseul lung era doar lung, tot cu marcajele amintite mai inainte. Foarte multi s-au ratacit (cei care rulau cu viteza de plimbare probabil s-au descurcat mai bine), numarul exact nu stiu dar dupa feedback-ul primit sunt destui. Fara a face reclama proasta pentru eveniment, as vrea sa zic ca era un concurs la prima organizare. Echipa organizatoare nu era la primul eveniment sportiv, fapt ce ma mira cum s-au produs gafele aparute. Totusi s-a vazut un efort de a face tot posibilul ca sa iasa totul "brici". Restul feedback-urilor aici.
Startul a fost amanat cu 30 de minute, datorita numarului mare de participanti care au luat cu "asalt" staff-ul organizator. Dupa ce au pornit cei de la traseul lung, (noi) cei de la traseul scurt au mai asteptat 10 minute (WTF?). Dupa start am pornit tare ca stiam ca aradeanul, Zsolti si ungurul din Nyiregyhaza o sa traga, Zsolti fiind specialist de trasee scurte iar ungurul destul de antrenat si el.
Dupa 500 m Zsolti m-a depasit si n-a durat mult pana m-a depasit si ungurul. Nu am sarit sa ma tin cu el ca asteptam  prima urcare lunga. Intr-un viraj de 90 de grade, din pacate Zsolti a luat-o gresit inainte si n-a mai auzit strigatele noastre. Vecinul de peste granita a continuat la fel ca si mine, pe traseul corect. A avut un avantaj minim dar am revenit repede pe asfalt si m-am stabilit dupa el. Din pacate n-am cunoscut traseul, chiar daca era la mine acasa, si din cauza asta la o urcare brusca dupa asfalt, ungurul m-a surprins, a fortat si a reusit sa se rupa de mine. Eram increzator si m-am gandit ca sa-l prind pe ultima urcare mai lunga din traseu. Tactica nu mi-a iesit, am deviat de 3 ori de pe traseu, dar spre norocul meu am avut un codas care mai striga dupa mine si ma indrepta in directia corecta. Grazie Titi!!!
Asa am terminat cu aproape 4 minute dupa ungur pe locul doi, singur pe podium (din greseala organizatorilor). Pentru antrenament a fost numai bun acest eveniment si sper ca la anul se va ridica bara.
Oradea merita! Biciclistii merita, la fel si sportivii amatori.
Multumesc FreestyleSport pentru sprijin, Ioana pentru suportul maxim, Marci pentru sfaturi, si Mama Natura ca a tinut cu noi.
Un reportaj realizat de televiziunea locala: http://tvs.ro/sport/10192-maraton-de-ciclism.html
Another weekend of MTB-competition, this time in our beloved city, Oradea. The race was organized for the first time by Probikers Bihor, under the name Probikers Marathon Oradea. The competition contained two tracks, one 35 and a another one, 80 km with 400 meters and 900 meter of elevation. The weather was  a bit picky along the week, rainy and sunny too. I did not know how to prepare myself for the race. Initially I wanted to participate in another competition, but it was canceled, so I chose to compete home. With my coach I decided to register on the 35km route to make a warm up for the next race in Cluj where i'll do the long route. In the morning it rained a little bitbut did not affect too much the track. When I arrived at the register point, I was amazed how many people came to pedal, a fact that makes me happy. Means that many have recently started riding and more and more like the idea of ​​a special route chosen to ride on and "signed" for the sake of competition. I met with many customers from Freestyle, with many who are competing in other events along with me and last but not least 'local boys'.
It was the first edition of this race, it has raised many competitors, some common name in  Transylvanian race scene and a few stronger riders from Hungary. The short route was pretty easy if could you deal with the orinteering and you could find those clumsy markings. The long route was just long, all the markings were like mentioned before. Many were lost (those who ran at low speed  probably fared better), I do not know their exact number but after the feedbacks, they were a lot. Don't wan't to do bad advertising for the event,  I would rather say, it was a race at the first edition. For the organizing team wasn't the first sporting event, which surprised me as there were many blunders, although we could see some effort from the staff, to do everything possible to make the event nice and enjoyable. The rest  of the feedbacks u can find it here.
The start was delayed by 30 minutes, the large number of participants "assaulted" the staff and surprised them. After the start for the long-track, (we) from the short track have waited for 10 minutes (WTF?). After the start, i went off strong because I knew that Zsolti from Arad, and the Hungarian guy from Nyiregyhaza would attack asap. Zsolt is a short track specialist, and Hungarian guy was strong enough too. After 500 m Zsolt passed me and it took not long until the Hungarian guy did too.  In a 90 degree turn, Zsolt unfortunately took it wrong ahead and didn't heard our calls. The hungarian neighbour and me took the correct route. He had a minimal advantage but I recovered it quickly on the asphalt section and I settled after him. Unfortunately I didn't knew the track, even if it was near Oradea, and because of that, at a sudden climb after the asphalt section, the Hungarian surprised me, forced and managed to break away from me. I was confident and I thought to catch him at the last longer climb of the track . Tactics went wrong, I deviated from the track about three times, but luckily for me I had a "slacker" who shouted at me and turned me in the right direction. Titi, Grazie!
So I finished nearly four minutes after the Hungarian guy.(second, alone on the podium, another mistake by the organizers). The race in itself was a good training and I hope next year they will raise the bar.
Oradea it's worth! Cyclists deserve it, as well as the amateur athletes.
Thanks FreestyleSport  for the support, Ioana for maximum support, Marci for the good advices, and Mother Nature that she had kept with us.
A report conducted by local TV: http://tvs.ro/sport/10192-maraton-de-ciclism.html

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