Cum a inceput sezonul am facut si eu plinul de suplimente si energizante pentru concursuri si dupa concursuri. Antrenamentele le fac mai mult cu apa isotonica, rareori folosesc energizante, iar geluri deloc. Cum sunt un sportiv amator, foarte multe lucruri le aflu testand, incercand pe propria piele. Din sezonul asta am sa incerc un nou brand si am sa insist pe el, preturile fiind mai atractive, si produsele fiind mai orientate spre performanta decat la cele stiute de mine.
Brandul e din Cehia, a fost fondat in 1993, este specializat pe sportul de performanta. Toate produsele lor sunt aprobate de Ministerul Sanatatii si multe de Comitetul Antidoping. Au certificate ISO pe fabricarea produselor, sunt si produsele validate. Este vorba despre NUTREND, cei care sponsorizeaza sportivi ca Michal Prokop sau Jaroslav Kulhavy, nefiind necesare prezentarea celor doi. Podusele sunt aduse in Romania de catre Triathlon Energy Shop din Oradea. Pentru inceput am sa incerc un gel energizant cu absortie rapida si unul a carui absortie este in mod continuu in timpul efortului (Nutrend Carbosnack si Nutrend EnduroSnack). Pe langa, o sa incerc sa-mi revin dupa efort cu ajutorul Nutrend Regenerer. Toate aceste produse si informatii despre ele le gasiti aici.
As the season started I did fill my energy supplements for the races and after the races. I do my with isotonic water, rarely use energy bars and gels at all. As an amateur athlete, you learn a lot by testing, trying out the hard way on your own. From this season I will try a new brand and I will insist on it, having more attractive prices, and the products are performance- oriented than those known to me.
It is a Czech brand, was founded in 1993, is specialized performance sport. All their products are approved by the Ministry of Health and many by the Anti-Doping Committee. They have ISO certified manufacturing, and the products are also validated internationaly. It is NUTREND, they are sponsoring athletes like Michal Prokop and Jaroslav Kulhavy. The products are brought in Romania by Energy Triathlon Shop from Oradea. First I will try an energizing gel with rapid absorption and one whose absorption is continuously during exercise (Nutrend Carbosnack and Nutrend EnduroSnack). In addition, I will try to regenerate after efort with Nutrend Regenerer. All these products and information about them can be found here.