May 23, 2012

CJP - Et. II Skoda

 Weekendul asta, am facut deplasarea pana in Cluj sa particip la etapa a II-a din seria Clujul Pedaleaza. De data asta nu m-am dus cu o zi inainte, ci in dimineata concursului, bazandu-ma pe traseul relativ usor. Dupa harta si descriere am presupus ca  o sa fie un traseu abordabil si usor. Dupa ce am ajuns am reusit sa fac o tura de recunoastere, ca sa constat ca traseul e supravirajat, noroios, si super-denivelat. Nu mi-se parea tehnic deloc, mai mult de fuga(unde nu era noroi). Asta s-a schimbat in timpul concursului. La categoria experti, licentiati,  s-au aliniat foarte putini, de la fete a fost doar Zsuzsu. Macar nu ne-am incurcat prea mult. Totusi am reusit cea mai slaba pornire de pana acum, pur si simplu nu mi-a intrat piciorul in pedala, iar ceilalti au luat un avans considerabil. Am reusit sa revin in primele 2 ture la cateva secunde dupa concurentul luat in vizor, dar din cauza curbelor noroioase si radacinilor unde mi-a alunecat de cateva ori roata din fata am pierdut secunde pretioase. Ultimele 3 tururi am mers aproape singur (o data m-a ajuns si Minulescu dar avand probleme tehnice, a ramas in urma), doar licentiatii m-au ajuns din urma cu un tur. Trebuia sa aflu pe propria piele ca traseul era mai tehnic decat anticipasem. Cu atatea denivelari, viraje, schimb de ritmuri, teren noroios-uscat, urcare lunga-scurta, coborari  intre copaci au reusit clujenii sa faca un traseu super animat, si numai bun de cizelat tehnica. Am ramas placut surprins ca un astfel de traseu poate sa ma puna in dificultati. M-as da pe traseul asta pana la infinit, avea un farmec anume. Simt ca am facut un concurs bun, dar cu putin efort puteam sa intru in top 5, asa cum mi-am propus...dar si asa am venit pe locul 6 din 10 experti. Next time! Pana la urma n-am primit un tur din categoria mea decat doar de la licentiati. Urmatorul concurs, o sa fie cel mai probabil maratonul din Zalau.
Multumiri lui Marius pentru logistica, Ioana pentru ajutorul si suportul in timpul concursului, Alin iti multumesc pentru suport, apreciez foarte mult.
This weekend, I made ​​a trip to Cluj to attend at the second round of the Clujul Pedaleaza series.This time I didn't went the day before, but in the morning before the race. After the map and its description I assumed it would be an easy track. After we arrived we managed to make a lap to see the track an its condition, and was surprised to see the turns, the muddy and bumpy sections. It didn't seemed too technical at all, more than run-and-gun race (not in the mud-section). Everything has changed during the race. Very few riders from the expert and licensed category lined up, from the girls was only Zsuzsu, at least we didn't had a a crowded start. However I did the worst start ever, just couldn't get my foot in the pedal, and the others took a commanding lead. I managed to take a few seconds back in the first two laps after the rider in sight, but because of the tight turns, mud and roots where my front wheel slid a few times I lost precious seconds. In the last 3 laps I went almost alone (once Minulescu arrived in the back but because of technical problems, he remained behind), and only licensed riders caught me with a lap. I had to learn the hard way that the track was more technical than I had anticipated. With so many bumps, turns, rythm exchanges, muddy and dry sections, long-short ascents, descent between trees the guys from Cluj did a great job, and prepared a super animated track just good to polish my technique. I was pretty much surprised how a track like this can put me in diffculties. I would ride this track 24/7, it has a certain charm. I feel like I made ​​a good race, but with some effort I probably could to get into top 5, as I wanted ... but even so I came in 6th place of 10 riders int experts category. Next time! Eventually I've been caught by a lap only by the licensed riders.
The next race ... probably Zalau marathon.
Thanks Marius for the logistics, Ioana for the support and help during the race, Alin thank you for your support also and i really appreciate.

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