Au trecut aproape 2 saptamani de ultimul concurs la care am fost, si despre care vreau sa va relatez. Am fost la Zalau, la maratonul celor de Alien Cycling. Toata saptamana a fost cam noros si ploios deci, mi-a fost frica de ce avea sa lase in urma ploaia. Traseul parea a fi foarte dificil in conditii umede. Chiar cu o zi inainte a plouat, si asa am pornit cu oarecare frica, vazand ca organizatorii au schimbat traseul la ora 3:30 dimineata. Horatiu si Alin m-au ajutat din nou cu drumul, asa ca multumiri inca odata. Ajuns la fata locului, am luat repede numerele. M-a plouat putin pana cand am reusit sa le iau. Incalzirea am lasat-o pe parcursul concursului, vazand profilul am avut o portiune de asflat la inceput unde puteam sa urc temperatura motorului. Am putut sa-mi montez si o anvelopa de noroi in fata ca altfel ratam startul. A fost cu noroc, ca roata din fata nu mi s-a blocat deloc. Dupa sectiunea de asfalt a inceput "kilareala", balti, noroi, namol, argila, tot ce nu vrei la un concurs. Am reusit sa ma ratacesc de 3 ori, ca ba ma luam dupa cel din fata mea, ba mergeam eu in fata si n-am vazut marcajele. Marcajele au fost ok, doar ca n-au fost amplasate unde trebuie, asta fiind un mare dezavantaj pentru mine. Organizatorii trebuiau sa se gandeasca ca in conditiile astea nu prea poti sa te uiti si in sus si in jos, mai ales la coborari. Dupa ce m-am ratacit si a treia oara, am luat totul ca si un antrenament, am vrut doar sa termin, ca suplimente n-am mai avut, mi s-a terminat chiar si apa din cauza efortului. Cu noroc am reusit sa termin in 4 ore si 30 de minute cu 50 de minute dupa primul ajuns, pe locul 5 la categoria mea si la 11 in general. A fost un concurs, dur si solicitant din cauza noroiului. Am fost stors la finish, n-am avut chef de nimic, dar totusi organizatorii s-au gandit la unele chestii importante dupa concurs, cum ar fi spalarea bicicletelor, supa calda in restaurant (imi cer scuze de la Time Out ca am intrat neschimbat:D). Pe scurt: organizatori harnici, concurs de pus in calendar doar in cazul vremii favorabile, marcajul lasa de dorit, suma de inscriere justificata, multe schimbatoare rupte, placute de frana uzate si noroi in cele mai nebanuite locuri.
Bravo celor care au terminat, si multumesc celor care m-au ajutat sa concurez si o sa ma ajuta in continuare: FreestylesportOradea, X-factor, Triathlon-Energy-Shop, Createch, Dotface si nu in ultimul rand Ioana, Horatiu si Alin.
It's been almost two weeks since the last race. I went to Zalau-marathon by AlienCycling. It was a bit cloudy and rainy the whole week, so I was a bit afraid. The track seemed to be very difficult in wet conditions. Even the day before the race it rained, so we started with some fear, seeing that the organizers changed the route at 3:30 am. Horatiu and Alin helped with the journey again, so thanks again. Once arrived in Zalau, quickly got the numbers. I got wet a bit until I managed to take them. I left my warm-up during the race, knowing the the track had a piece of tarmac after the start in a climb to heat up the engine temperature. I was able to mount only one a mud-tire otherwise i could miss the start. It was a lucky choice to mount it on the front wheel it didn't stuck at all. After tarmac section the massacre began, mud, mud, clay, everything else you don't want in a race. I managed to get lost 3 times, following others and sometimes all by myself. The markings were ok, just not right placed, this was a big disadvantage for me. Organizers had to think that in these conditions you can't hardly look up and down, especially in the descents. After I got lost a third time, I took everything as a workout, I just wanted to finish, as my supplements had finished, i was out of water because of the effort. With some luck I managed to finish in 4 hours and 30 minutes, 50 minutes after the first rider, in the 5th place in my category and 11 in general. It was a tough and demanding race because of mud. I was K.O. at the finish, though the organizers have thought of some important stuff after the race, such as washing bikes, hot soup at a restaurant (I apologize to Time Out, I went in unchanged : D). In short: hardworking organizers, a race to schedule only if good weather, disappointing marking, the registration money amount justified, many broken derailleurs, worn out brake pads and mud in most unexpected places.
Grats to those who have finished, and thank those who helped me to compete and continue to help me: FreestylesportOradea, X-factor Triathlon-Energy-Shop, Createch, Dotface and last but not least John, Horatiu and Alin.
Grats to those who have finished, and thank those who helped me to compete and continue to help me: FreestylesportOradea, X-factor Triathlon-Energy-Shop, Createch, Dotface and last but not least John, Horatiu and Alin.
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