February 27, 2012

Team Session Weekend

   A sosit si vremea mai buna, mai prietenoasa pentru pedalat. Dupa 3 luni de antrenamente in apartament pe trainer, eram foarte nerabdator sa pedalez putin afara. Vineri ne-am inteles cu colegii de echipa sa pedalam impreuna in weekend .
Initial am avut in plan participarea la un concurs, dar din anumite motive de logistica a trebuit sa raman acasa. So, sambata la pranz, impreuna cu Norbi si Zaki ne-am  intalnit la un antrenament pe asfalt, un fel de reuniune pentru inceputul de sezon. Traseul a fost cel obisnuit, Oradea-Susturogi. Am plecat pe la pranz, beneficiand de o temperatura foarte acceptabila pentru aceasta perioada, 10 C, la soare fiind si mai cald. Am reusit sa pedalam 2 ore si jumatate intr-un tempo de concurs. Duminica a fost putin mai frig, dar tot am reusit sa ies la o tura cu Zaki pe acelasi traseu. Pentru mine a fost o ocazie sa vad cum stau cu piciorele, sa vad cat rezist si sa constat ca mai am de lucrat... deci continui cu antrenamentele de forta. Peste o luna deja vine primul concurs din sezon, prima etapa din Clujul Pedaleaza.
The weather finaly got better, more friendly for cycling. After 3 months of training on the trainer in the apartment, I was very eager to pedal a little outside. Friday we got along with my teammates and decided to train together  in  the weekend.
Initially I had plans to participate in a race, but for some  logistic reason, i had to stay home. So, Saturday along with Zaki and Norbi we had a training on asphalt, to start the season. The route was the usual, Oradea-Susturogi. We left around noon, benefiting from the very acceptable temperature for this period, 10 C, and the sun. I managed to pedal 2 ½ hours in a race pace. Sunday was a little bit colder, but I still managed to go for a ride with Zaki on the same route. For me it was an opportunity to see how my legs are, to see how do i resist and found that out that I have to work on the strength. Just over one month already comes my first race of the season, the first stage of Clujul Pedaleaza.
Here you can find the track: Garmin Connect - varad-sustu-varad

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