Dupa 6 ani, am decis sa-mi schimb casca pe una mai buna, mai performanta. Cea veche era veche rau, model de 2004. Cea noua, in primul rand e rosie-rosie, usoara (250g) si are un raport pret-calitate foarte bun. Nu am optat pentru o casca high-end din doua motive, pret mare si "this will do the job to". Aici as vrea sa multumesc magazinului Freestylesport care m-a ajutat cu achizitia. Si cu putin talent am reusit s-o personalizez.
After six years, I decided to change my helmet for a better, more efficient one. The old one was old bad, a 2004 model. The new, first of all its red-red, light(250g) and has a very good price-quality ratio. I didn't chose a high-end helmet for two reasons, high price and "this will do the job to". Here I want to thank the Freestylesport store who helped me to purchase it. And with a little talent i managed to personalize it.
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