March 27, 2012

2012 CJP 1. Et.

Unul din cele mai asteptate momente dintr-un sezon este primul concurs. Anul acesta a fost cel din Cluj-Napoca, prima etapa din seria Clujul Pedaleza. Nu m-am asteptat sa fie atat de reusit traseul si atmosfera. M-am simtit enorm de bine, probabil a contat si faptul ca ii cunosc pe multi din participanti si organizatori. Mai cam toata lumea a luat acest concurs ca si un antrenament, la fel am procedat si eu. In afara de 2 coborari traseul a fost de "fuga". Eu am ales o tactica foarte neinspirata, am concurat cu cauciucuri prea moi si dupa start m-am lasat prea usor depasit, gandindu-ma ca spre final recuperez. N-a fost sa fie. Am ramas blocat dupa cineva, si tarziu am observat dupa pulsul meu ca mergeam prea incet. Portiunea tehnica am parcurs-o cu brio dar cam incet. In total am facut un antrenament bun si sper sa evoluez treptat. Alte impresii in  videoul atasat mai jos.
On of the most anticipated moments in the season is the first race. This year was the one in Cluj-Napoca, Clujul Pedaleza series, the first round. I never expected that this event could be so successful. I felt enormously good, probably it mattered that I knew many of the participants and organizers. Almost everyone took this competition as a workout, as I have done. Apart from two descent sections was "run"-race. I chose a very uninspired tactic, soft tires, I left the other racers too easily to pass, thinking to recover till the finish. It wasn't ment to be. I got stuck after someone, and later I noticed that my pulse droped after pedalling too slowly. I took the techncal sections successfully but kinda slow. In total i had a good workout and I hope to evolve gradually. Other impressions in the video attached below.

March 12, 2012


Anul 2012 fiind an olimpic, competitiile de cupa mondiala la XCO incep mai devreme. Prima etapa se va desfasura la Pietermaritzburg din Africa de Sud. Etapa se poate caracteriza prin faimoasa Rockgarden si vremea calda, cateori infernal de calda, care te face sa dai aproape 130% din tine ca sa termin cursa pe un loc fruntas. Niciodata n-am vrut sa relatez sau sa scriu despre Cupa Mondiala sau orice alt concurs la care n-am luat parte, dar ramura asta a Mountain Bike-ului e prea tehnico-elegant-frumoasa ca sa nu mentionez si elita mondiala, mai ales ca am facut rost de niste poze bestiale despre traseul pregatit de organizatori. Noi suntem departe de a organiza o Cupa Mondiala, dar avem in tara cateva cluburi care se straduiesc sa promoveze XCO-ul, Cluj-Napoca, Tg-Mures, Sibiu, Baia Mare, Brasov si nu in ultimul rand si noi oradenii. O familie mica, din care candva cineva, o sa ajunga, sa speram, sa concureze la o Cupa Mondiala. Lasand vorba, iata imaginile din Pietermaritzburg.
2012 being an  Olympic year, the XCO World Cup series starts earlier this year. The first stage will be held in Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. The stage can be characterized by its  famous Rockgarden, and  weather, one hell of warm weather, that makes you almost give 130% , to finish the race in a leading position. I never wanted to relate or write about the World Cup Series or any other contest in which I didn't participated, but this kind of mountain biking  it's too technical and stylish,  to not mentioning the world elite, especially when I got some pictures about the trail prepared by the organizers. We won't organize anytime soon a  World Cup, but we have some clubs in the country who are striving to promote the XCO, Cluj-Napoca, Targu-Mures, Sibiu, Baia Mare, Brasov and last but not least we the Oradea local riders. A small family, from which someday, someone will hopefully get to compete at a World Cup. Leaving the speech, here are the pictures 
from Pietermaritzburg.

March 5, 2012

mET the helmet

Dupa 6 ani, am decis sa-mi schimb casca pe una mai buna, mai performanta. Cea veche era veche rau, model de 2004. Cea noua, in primul rand e rosie-rosie, usoara (250g) si are un raport pret-calitate foarte bun. Nu am optat pentru o casca high-end din doua motive, pret mare si "this will do the job to". Aici as vrea sa multumesc magazinului Freestylesport care m-a ajutat cu achizitia. Si cu putin talent am reusit s-o personalizez.
After six years, I decided to change my helmet for a better, more efficient one. The old one was old bad, a  2004 model. The new, first of all its red-red, light(250g) and has a very good price-quality ratio. I didn't chose a high-end helmet for two reasons, high price and "this will do the job to". Here I want to thank the Freestylesport store who helped me to purchase it. And with a little talent i managed to personalize it.