March 12, 2012


Anul 2012 fiind an olimpic, competitiile de cupa mondiala la XCO incep mai devreme. Prima etapa se va desfasura la Pietermaritzburg din Africa de Sud. Etapa se poate caracteriza prin faimoasa Rockgarden si vremea calda, cateori infernal de calda, care te face sa dai aproape 130% din tine ca sa termin cursa pe un loc fruntas. Niciodata n-am vrut sa relatez sau sa scriu despre Cupa Mondiala sau orice alt concurs la care n-am luat parte, dar ramura asta a Mountain Bike-ului e prea tehnico-elegant-frumoasa ca sa nu mentionez si elita mondiala, mai ales ca am facut rost de niste poze bestiale despre traseul pregatit de organizatori. Noi suntem departe de a organiza o Cupa Mondiala, dar avem in tara cateva cluburi care se straduiesc sa promoveze XCO-ul, Cluj-Napoca, Tg-Mures, Sibiu, Baia Mare, Brasov si nu in ultimul rand si noi oradenii. O familie mica, din care candva cineva, o sa ajunga, sa speram, sa concureze la o Cupa Mondiala. Lasand vorba, iata imaginile din Pietermaritzburg.
2012 being an  Olympic year, the XCO World Cup series starts earlier this year. The first stage will be held in Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. The stage can be characterized by its  famous Rockgarden, and  weather, one hell of warm weather, that makes you almost give 130% , to finish the race in a leading position. I never wanted to relate or write about the World Cup Series or any other contest in which I didn't participated, but this kind of mountain biking  it's too technical and stylish,  to not mentioning the world elite, especially when I got some pictures about the trail prepared by the organizers. We won't organize anytime soon a  World Cup, but we have some clubs in the country who are striving to promote the XCO, Cluj-Napoca, Targu-Mures, Sibiu, Baia Mare, Brasov and last but not least we the Oradea local riders. A small family, from which someday, someone will hopefully get to compete at a World Cup. Leaving the speech, here are the pictures 
from Pietermaritzburg.

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