Unul din cele mai asteptate momente dintr-un sezon este primul concurs. Anul acesta a fost cel din Cluj-Napoca, prima etapa din seria Clujul Pedaleza. Nu m-am asteptat sa fie atat de reusit traseul si atmosfera. M-am simtit enorm de bine, probabil a contat si faptul ca ii cunosc pe multi din participanti si organizatori. Mai cam toata lumea a luat acest concurs ca si un antrenament, la fel am procedat si eu. In afara de 2 coborari traseul a fost de "fuga". Eu am ales o tactica foarte neinspirata, am concurat cu cauciucuri prea moi si dupa start m-am lasat prea usor depasit, gandindu-ma ca spre final recuperez. N-a fost sa fie. Am ramas blocat dupa cineva, si tarziu am observat dupa pulsul meu ca mergeam prea incet. Portiunea tehnica am parcurs-o cu brio dar cam incet. In total am facut un antrenament bun si sper sa evoluez treptat. Alte impresii in videoul atasat mai jos.
On of the most anticipated moments in the season is the first race. This year was the one in Cluj-Napoca, Clujul Pedaleza series, the first round. I never expected that this event could be so successful. I felt enormously good, probably it mattered that I knew many of the participants and organizers. Almost everyone took this competition as a workout, as I have done. Apart from two descent sections was "run"-race. I chose a very uninspired tactic, soft tires, I left the other racers too easily to pass, thinking to recover till the finish. It wasn't ment to be. I got stuck after someone, and later I noticed that my pulse droped after pedalling too slowly. I took the techncal sections successfully but kinda slow. In total i had a good workout and I hope to evolve gradually. Other impressions in the video attached below.
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